Lingerie is Beautiful and at the same time Symbolic
It calls attention to the exact area it covers up, hinting at what is underneath.
Lingerie creates a mood, it reminds you that you are looking good.
Lingerie lets you be Innocent, Sophisticated, Sweet, Sexual or Wild.
Wolbar Lingerie with their wide range of styles has something for all of those moods.
Exquisite lingerie that is perfect for everyday wear,
yet gorgeous and sexy enough for Special Occasions.
So what can make all of this even better?
Well! We have new prices on the entire line.
Now with a savings from 5%-20% on nearly every style.
If you've never had the Wolbar Experience, then now is the perfect time to try it, you will not be disappointed.
Don't Forget Our Our August GiveAway is an exquiste Wolbar piece!
Gorgeous with lots of fine embroidery.
Wolbar's Malaguana
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Thank You to all of our Subscribers and Customers
Have A Wonderful Day
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Matt & Wendy